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Understanding Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023
Posted On : November 15, 2024

Understanding Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023

Written By : Vidhikarya

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Table of Contents

The BNS, 2023 replaced the historic IPC, 1860, brings new definitions, new changes to meet today’s situation and new methods of punishment. For the BNS, there were 358 divisions in the twenty chapters from 1 July 2024 against 511 divisions in the twenty-three chapters of the IPC. The current guide provides information concerning this new legislation, new developments, impact analysis together with legal provisions on the act and its measures. 

Significant change in the BNS 

The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita sets down the structural, definitional and from the Indian Penal Code, 1860 that mark a distinguishable change in the code. They are to improve the legal formalisation of the Indian criminal legal system as well as the openness and manager’s sensitivity to contemporary India.

Structural and definition change

The BNS is placed on a more rational foundation in terms of structure, whereas the definitions and references are simplified.

Unified definitions

On the other hand, whereas IPC had definitions which were extended through Sections 6 to 52, BNS consolidates all definitions in Section 2 (definitions) and Section 3 (General explanations), all of which fall under Chapter I. Adjustment along such lines will help easily find out as well as give an explanation of the various legal terms involved.

Organised alphabetically 

The BNS arranges definitions in alphabetical order thus reducing the chances of confusion. Sometimes when searching for a particular term within the law document, one spends so much time sifting through other unrelated sections. However, this update guarantees that people can easily search for legal terms without going through unnecessary parts.

Changed terminology to the modern one

Therefore, the BNS modernises the existing terminology for use and for the lay understanding of the general population. Key updates include: 

“Gregorian Calendar” replaces the old “British Calendar” to relate with today’s methods of time calculations.

Hence legalistic terminology like ‘document’ has been made amenable for compliance with the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023, which recognizes both, e-documents and paper documents.

Inclusivity and gender neutrality

BNS use of diverse language is taken by extending the meaning of gender as male, female or transgender under Section 2 (10). It also has such constructions as “any man” instead of “whoever” and “wife” instead of “spouse” to make them gender appropriate to reach the largest possible number of people.

Such changes indicate that legal professionals along with the general public may require changing their language use. For specific cases or terms, which one might find hard to understand or interpret according to the BNS, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a legal counsel.

The elimination of outdated and redundant offences

The BNS excludes a number of offences from the IPC which have now become insignificant or have been covered in other legal systems.

Sedition (Formerly Section 124A of IPC)

There has been considerable criticism of IPC’s sedition law and the ways in which it offered to be misused as well as overused. The BNS deletes Section 124A and deals with offences endangering sovereignty and integrity under Sections 152 and 197(1)(d). These Sections are devoted to secession, rebellion as well as other activities which really do pose a threat to national security. 

Adultery (Formerly Section 497 of IPC)

In compliance with the Supreme Court judgement in Joseph Shine vs. Union of India, BNS does not outlaw adultery in the same way any longer, as the commission regards it as a question of civil morality. It also ratifies the change that the court has made in establishing the contempt of marriage as being unnecessary since it considered adultery as a personal subject and it should not attract a penal sanction.

Attempt to commit suicide (Formerly Section 309 of IPC)

Attempts to commit suicide are now categorized as mental health issues and not as criminal acts due to the enactment of the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. It is far more humane than the traditional punitive measures, which seek to punish instead of looking for ways of treating patients with mental illnesses.

Defamation against the president (Section 500):

The recent provisions under Section 500 relating to defamation provisions have been removed formally claiming the equal status of different categories of people including the President, and as the freedom of speech.

If such provisions have been used to charge an individual, he or she might actually notice positive alterations in the case once such offences have been expunged. It is recommended that people consult a legal advisor to explain the effects of these eliminations on the current charges.

New offences under the BNS

The BNS also introduces offences that reflect modern social and criminal justice challenges that are either not defined at all, or inadequately defined in the IPC.

Snatching (Section 304)

This new Section specifically criminalises snatch, a popular type of robbery that always occurs in urban centres. Since BNS categorises snatching as a separate crime, the victims are able to seek more severe consequences, as well as faster legal retribution for such thefts, which frequently involve physical assault.

Sexual Intercourse by Deceit (Section 69)

Concerning situations in which consent is given under coercion, this Section also penalises sexual intercourse by deceit where the offender convinces the complainant of something which is not true, for instance telling the complainant that they intend to marry him/her only to defraud the complainant or pretends to be someone else. It seeks to safeguard those persons particularly women who can be forced into having sex with the man due to deception.

Mob lynching and organized crime

Given recent worrying trends in mob violence and hate crime, BNS incorporates new strict rules against mob lynching especially where perpetrated for religious, caste, or language reasons. It sanctions both offenders and instigators, to make efforts to reduce the occurrence of these aggressive and frequently group-based offences.

Cybercrimes and digital fraud

Considering an expansion of activities on the internet, BNS has enhanced the measures against cybercrime consisting of attempts of identity theft, harassment, and fraud. These sections will attempt to afford redress for victims as the environment shifts to being more of a virtual one.

New offences such as mob lynching and sexual deceit befit the society’s new age worries. If people are affected by such matters then, they should seek legal advice immediately on how the new provisions are available under the BNS.

Enhanced penalties for current offences

True to its concern with deterrence, the BNS has raised the punishment for certain crimes to correspond to the magnitude of the violations that occur in modern societies.

Assaults on women

Harsher penalties accompanying crimes against women such as sexual harassment and domestic violence are meant to achieve this purpose. For instance, measures to punish sexual aggression have been strengthened in order to ensure severe sanctioning of the result.

Economic offences

Knowing that economic fraud has a negative effect on people and society, the BNS increases penalties for fraudulent financial activities such as fraud from a ponzi scheme, large scale fraud, and embezzlement. This is done to increase public confidence and to enhance the efficiency of punishing economic wrongdoings.

Hate crimes and caste-based offences

To prevent hatred crimes and offences and for the protection of minorities & vulnerable social groups, the BNS has enhanced penalties for hatred crimes and offences including caste and religious discrimination.

When people find themselves charged with such penalties the help of a lawyer gives a clear understanding of the possible consequences and defences under BNS.

Critical analysis of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), 2023

BNS’s modernised concept presents the values of today’s society, respects human rights and covers such relevant topics as criminal associations and fraud through computers and the Internet. Eradicating such archaic laws as sedition also shows a good standard of democracy and human rights.

Even though liberal in many ways, critics are concerned that the BNS may provide scant guidance on some issues, for instance, digital privacy or rehabilitation of offenders. Some apprehensions we have for this form of governance is that there is the potential of having some of the offences defined in very grey areas that could easily be abused.


The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 has to be seen as a landmark reform in the structure of India’s criminal law. To this extent, it is hoped that it will improve the comprehensiveness of coverage, update dated language, and enhance the rights afforded to the vulnerable, resulting in a legal regime that is less only ‘reformative,’ but also equally ‘deterrent.’ However, it is as effective as all other legislation may turn out to be, depending on its enforcement and the authorities’ interpretation of it.


If I am accused of a new offence that has been introduced under the BNS what should I do?

One should seek the services of a lawyer who understands the BNS since these new crimes have other legal definitions that are quite distinct from the IPC definitions.

Is the new penalty scale inherited from previous changes in the law?

Generally, the BNS applies where it is applied prospectively unless otherwise stated. It is necessary to consult a lawyer in order to find out whether such provisions may influence past cases.

In what manner does the BNS impact the ongoing cases filed under the IPC?

New interpretations will be directed by the BNS, however, some may do so under IPC provisions where the application was filed prior to the implementation of the BNS.

Is cybercrime provided for under the BNS?

Yes, the BNS includes new Sections that encompass the different types of cybercrimes, so one can have access to justice for cyber offences.

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Abhimanyu Shandilya

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Prabhakara S K Shetty

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Surbhi Sharma

From Delhi


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