Property jamabndi facts
I bought land in 1996. In 1995 jamabandi the column 5 name of Possesioner is different than the owner name in column 4. I got it registery and mutation done. Today when I got the latest jamabandi out ...
I bought land in 1996. In 1995 jamabandi the column 5 name of Possesioner is different than the owner name in column 4. I got it registery and mutation done. Today when I got the latest jamabandi out ...
Dear Client,
The Jamabandi or Record of Rights (RoR) is one of the essential documents to hold as a property owner. It is a legal document that provides details of the ownership, tenancy, property, and other rights of the ownership. In the absence of valid title documents in your name, as shown in your latest Jamabandi land record, if you sell the property to any third person including the existing cultivators, you may face legal consequences later on. So, get the Jamabandi records rectified by
concent has not signe by me for redevlopment
Dear Sir,
Without your signature redevelopment cannot happen. You may get issue a legal notice or go to the Court to stop the redevelopment process if any. Unless your consent is taken. It is left to you whether you consent for redevelopment or not.
Other Responses
Hi am in Gujarat . During sale agreement Builder has incorporated terms that resident is not having any rights on terrace and running mobile tower
Dear Sir,
If builder has sold all the apartments/flats then common interest will be created in favour of the purchasers and they are entitled for getting rent from the installation of mobile tower. You have to fight together against the builder.
Other Responses
I want to buy a land plot I have the updated L.R. and RS katiyan documents How can I very this land is free from any letigation.
Dear Client,
Property verification is the process of verifying the legal authenticity and ownership of a property. It involves checking the legality of the property, including the ownership details, encumbrances, and other legal disputes associated with the property. Property verification is an important process that should be conducted before buying or selling a property to ensure that the property is free from any legal complications, such as liens, mortgages, or disputes, and that it can be
Acc. To budget 2025-2026...what is the time period for ltcg 12 month or 24 month on property sale
Dear Client,
Regardless of the use of the sale proceeds arising out of the sale of immovable property, you have to pay tax on long-term capital gain(LTCG) unless you follow the provision of Section 54 of the Income Tax Act to claim a rebate of tax on LTCG. To claim a tax rebate under Section 54 of the Income Tax Act, a seller of immovable property has to invest the sale proceeds to buy another residential house. The new residential house property should be purchased either one year before the d
A property was bought jointly in 80’s by 4 people .and registered in Telangana . - 1 lady and her son . - 2 brothers of her husband . Sale deed has no mention of any share and it was a good will ...
Dear Sir,
You may enter into settlement deed with the active participation and guidance of property lawyer and get it registered in the Sub-Registrar office otherwise problems may arise later on. If so advised you may file one simple suit for partition and may be compromised at a later stage.
Other Responses
Need to raise compliant against builder for unfair practices
Dear Client,
In the given scenario, In the housing project is registered under RERA, then serving a legal notice to the Builder, file a complaint against him under Sec.31 of the Real Estate (Regulatory and Development) Act, 2016 before the Adjudicating Officer claiming compensation for the deficiency in service and unfair trade practices. Or else you can file a complaint against the Builder/Developer for deficiency in service and unfair trade practice before the Dist. Consumer Commission under S
I am resident of Delhi and want to buy residential land in Uttrakhand. Is it allowed that i buy 300sq yards in my name and 300sq yards in my father or mother’s name ?
Dear Sir,
It depends upon local laws. Normally you can purchase such land in your name and also in the name of your mother's/father's name. You may better consult local lawyer who is in real estate matter.
Other Responses
Ambalipura residency is in ftl buffer zone
Dear Client,
Ambalipura Residency is considered one of the best society around Hsr Layout in Bangalore. As per the judgment the National Green Tribunal judgment passed in 2016 , a new buffer zone of 75 meters for lakes and wetlands will be a no-construction zone, which was earlier 30 meters. Full Tank Level(FTL) refers to a waterbody, such as a lake, pond, Nala, Kunta, etc., where any type of development is forbidden. A buffer zone has been established surrounding the FTL zone to preserve the
I have a registered sale deed of a flat,now came to know that someone also taken loan by way of tripartite agreement, now that bank is issued a notice to me.what I should do.
Dear Client,
Your query suffers from a lack of information to respond it suitably. When you are holding the original sale deed and not a signatory of a tripartite agreement, how can a Bank approve the loan to others and issue a notice to you? So, in the given scenario, serving a legal notice to the Bank, file a criminal suit against the persons involved in the scam for criminal breach of trust and cheating under Section 316 and Section 318 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita(BNS) seeking damages/comp
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