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Advocate Abhimanyu Shandilya Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Abhimanyu Shandilya
Advocate Prabhakara Shetty Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Prabhakara S K Shetty
Advocate Shrikrushna Tambde Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Shrikrushna Tambde
Advocate Adrian Phillips Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Adrian Phillips
Advocate Noel D'Souza Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Noel D'Souza
Advocate Surbhi Sharma Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Surbhi Sharma
Advocate Meenakshi Periyahkaruppan Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Meenakshi Periyahkaruppan
Advocate Mayur Khunti Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Mayur D. Khunti
Advocate Abhradip Jha Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Abhradip Jha
Advocate Jaswant Katariya Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Jaswant Singh Katariya
Advocate Rhea Luthra Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Rhea Luthra
Advocate Prithvi Raj Sikka Best Cheque bounce Lawyer in Hyderabad Advocate Prithvi Raj Sikka
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Cheque Bounce Laws in Hyderabad

Matters of dishonour of cheque due to insufficiency of funds in the bank account are punishable as per law. Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 punishes cheque bounce with imprisonment and fine. The Supreme Court in various cases has upheld payment of debt rather than imprisoning the drawer of cheque. However, if the person who drew the cheque in Hyderabad insists on non-payment, the court is left with no option but to punish the drawer of the cheque, provided that other facts have been proved. Regarding jurisdiction of cheque bounce case in Hyderabad, the location of the registered office of payee bank decides the jurisdiction which cheque bounce lawyers explain to clients. It may be noted that proving payment of debt through disputed cheque is mandatory since payments for gifts, donations are not actionable under the Section 138 of NI Act.


Cheque Bounce Lawyers in Hyderabad

Finding the lawyer for cheque bounce case in Hyderabad can be a crucial task. Especially when your reputation or higher financial interests are at stake. When a cheque is dishonoured at the payee bank (in which the cheque was presented for encashment) due to insufficient funds, the need for cheque bounce lawyer in Hyderabad arises. The process starts with serving a legal notice to the drawer of cheque in order to intimate and give some time for payment of debt. However, knowing how to file cheque bounce case in Hyderabad is the next step if payment is not made in the given period. One should hardly reach a stage whereby they have to enquire how to get bail in cheque bounce case if there is scope to relieve the debt. Given below are Vidhikarya lawyers for cheque bounce case in Hyderabad. Know more about the process before going for consultation with the lawyer for cheque bounce case in Hyderabad.


FAQs for Cheque Bounce Lawyers in Hyderabad


Q- How do I file a cheque bounce case in Hyderabad?

A- If someone made a payment through cheque and the cheque has been dishonoured due to insufficiency of funds, one can file a suit under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. The filing has to be preceded by serving a legal notice to the one who drew the cheque. Hence, one should contact some cheque bounce lawyers in Hyderabad in this regard. Any kind of delay in consultation with Hyderabad cheque bounce advocates should be avoided since legal matters are time bound as well.


Q- What is the maximum court fees in cheque bounce case?

A- The court fees for cheque bounce cases varies among the States in India. However, as a general rule, the cheque bounce court fees is almost 5% of the value of the amount involved in the cheque in dispute. Thus, higher the amount mentioned in the cheque indebted towards the drawer, the higher will be court fees.


Q- How do I settle a cheque bounce case in Hyderabad?

A- Courts in India have time and again reiterated the fact that legal provisions around cheque bounce are focussed around monetary interests. The aim is not to put a person behind the bars but to get the payment against debt. Hence, payment of money indebted is the mode of settlement. However, based on facts of the case, one should follow the instructions of cheque bounce lawyers in Hyderabad dealing with that particular case.


Q- How to find the cheque bounce lawyers in Hyderabad?

A- In order to find the lawyer for cheque bounce case in Hyderabad, one should go for consultation in the absence of any personal contacts. Also be clear on lawyer fees for cheque bounce case in Hyderabad before hiring one. Reliance on the experience of cheque bounce lawyers in Hyderabad is a must to get the outcome in a case.


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