90,000+ Legal Questions Answered
icon Regarding juvenile justice

If a juvenile(17year old boy) spreads misinformation and causes defamation then what will be his/her punishment as per law ? If the misinformation and defamation is spreaded by using the mobile number

1 Response(s)

4 months ago

A. Dear Client,
In many jurisdictions, laws regarding juveniles are different from those for adults. If a 17-year-old spreads misinformation and causes defamation, the legal consequences would depend on the specific laws of the jurisdiction. Juveniles may be subject to the juvenile justice system, which typically focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Punishments may include counseling, community service, or other measures aimed at correcting behavior.
If the misinformation and defamatio ...ReadMore

icon Kids education

Due to on going daily fight between us ( husband and Wife) , When ever I try to take tuition for my 9 yr old kid my wife purposely fight and not allow him to study, Is there any legal action I can tak

1 Response(s)

6 months ago

A. Dear Client,
In India, both parents have a legal right to be involved in their child's education. This means that your wife cannot prevent you from taking your child to tuition or making other decisions about their education. Courts in India typically prioritize the best interests of the child. If your spouse's actions are negatively impacting your child's education, a court may intervene to ensure the child's right to education is protected. If your wife is interfering with your child's educati ...ReadMore

icon Humiliated and harrased by teacher

My daughter humiliated and harrased by two teachers of school very very badly that she was ready to suicide.. fortunately it won't happened..but both of them didn't show any mercy to her as she wore a

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear Client,
It's essential to take this matter seriously and ensure the safety and well-being of your child. Here are some steps you may consider:

Immediate Support for Your Daughter:

Ensure your daughter receives immediate emotional support and counseling to help her cope with the trauma she experienced. You may want to seek the assistance of a child psychologist or counselor.
Document the Incident:

Document the details of the incident, including dates, times, locations, names of the teac ...ReadMore

icon Suspicion of Blackmailing

My friend's daughter is under depression and keeps crying for no reason and performing poorly in exams. She's desperately reaching out to phone even if it was locked inside. She's in relationship with

A. Dear Client,

Ask the parent to take time out to talk to their daughter, ask her if she wishes to talk to a counselor or try and find out if she is being troubled at school. Ask her parents to place her in a comfortable position for her to trust her parents and confide in them. If she is feeling depressed or is suffering from anxiety be there for her and ask her if she wishes to talk to a counselor or psychologist. If she confides she is getting blackmailed please file a complaint in your nearby ...ReadMore

icon Regarding confiscated

My daughter's teacher confiscated her earrings and has lost them.now she is not willing to repay.

A. Dear Sir,
He may threaten to lodge complaint with Police and head master then matter may be settled amicably.

icon Consultation regarding juvenile case

I had confess my crime in juvenile court and got punishment of 1 year probation and 20000 fine...i want to know that can i join police or other government jobs.

A. In my humble suggestion, it would depend on the organization you are wishing to join because the majority of jobs require applicants to disclose if they have ever been convicted, and based on that information, they decide whether to accept or reject their applications.

icon Humiliation - my school senior teacher humiliates

My question is: I'm and 17 year old boy and one of my school's senior teacher humiliates each and every student for no reason or just for a really small problem like couldn't answer the question they

A. Dear client.
The teachers have a right to punish their students. Having that said, no person has a right to humiliate anyone.
According to your query, if indeed the reason of your headache was genuine there was no reason for the teacher to act like he did. Taking a legal action will not be correct.
1. Tell about the incident to the Principal of your college
2. Every college has a harassment cell, give a written complaint there
3. Write a written letter to your principal for the same
4. Ask your ...ReadMore

icon character certificate and removing criminal records

Due to some criminal charges police make me history sheeter criminal. And Juvenile board disposed all cases under the Juvenile act . Now I am requesting for character certificate and removing my name

A. Dear Sir,

You have to go to High Court and convince the court to remove your name from criminal records as your future is at stake.

icon Uncle sold my land after death of my mother and father

Sir , after death of my mother and father my uncle became my legal guardian by family court Patna. Without my knowledge he take my signature on power of attorney , when I was 18 yr and 7 month old. Af

A. Dear client,
Minor cannot execute and represent the general power of attorney document. They are not competent people to represent the property issues. File a lawsuit and challenged the sale of property.
Hope it clarifies your requirement.
Thank you.

icon POCSO act

Want to ask if instead of a private complaint under the POCSO act, can a public prosecutor file a complaint on behalf of the victim?

A. I don't think there is anything which prohibits a public prosecutor form doing so as it is all about social justice. He may not write it down being complainant but can assist the victim in doing so.

Private complaint can be filed by a public servant: A Court of Sessions, or the Special Court under the POCSO Act, can take cognizance of a complaint filed by a public servant, who is discharging her/his official duty.

l Private complaint can be filed by a friend or relative: The victim need not b ...ReadMore

Other Responses
Ayantika Mondal @ Prime Legal

Ayantika Mondal @ Prime Legal