icon #AyantikaMondal..Read & Reply...related to Medicine business licensing..

1.1. Can someone sell medicines in retail if he have license for selling medicines in wholesale ? 1.2. If yes, then, Can he also sell medicines online within the same district ? 2.1. if someone have

A. 1.1) You can sell medicines in retail only if you have D. pharmacy i.e. DIPLOMA IN PHARMACY , selling of medicines in wholesale DOES NOT QUALIFY for selling in retail shop.
1.2) ONLY retailer can medicines online within the same City area
1.3) Yes, if you have retail license for selling medicines then you can also sell online within the same city.
1.4) If you want the retail medical license you can get it, we can guide you for the same

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Ayantika Mondal @ Prime Legal

Ayantika Mondal @ Prime Legal