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PoA question Nagpur and mumbai PoA question Nagpur and mumbai

1 year ago

We have a PoA that grants powers of my aunt who is in Nagpur to her daughter in Mumbai. The powers are for managing certain affairs of a property in Mumbai. I understand the PoA has to be registered at the registrar office in the city of my Aunt meaning Nagpur.
For registering the PoA in Nagpur does the attornee meaning her daughter who is in mumbai need to be physically present?? The PoA is ultimately mean't to be executed in Mumbai as the property is in mumbai as mentioned above.

We were told my a lawyer that physical presence of the daughter isn't necessary. the aunt has to sign at the registrar's office and courier the document back for her daughter to sign at the registrar's office in mumbai.
just want to confirm what is the correct procedure (Mumbai, Maharashtra)


A.Unless the Sub-Registrar acknowledges the absence of one party for good cause, both parties must appear before him to register a power of attorney.
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Vidhi Samaadhaan Vidhi Samaadhaan

Kishan Dutt Kalaskar

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A.Dear Sir,
Normally in case of Power of Attorney registration both the parties must present before Sub-Registrar unless he accepts non presence of other party if valid reasons are given.

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