contract law and promise
hi sir. i am a student. does all contract needs two promise to form or a contract may be formed from a single promise i know section 25 gives exception where one promise becomes contract can a contract be formed with single promise or all contracts to be formed require two promise otherwise there can be no contract in unilateral contract ,there is only promise on behalf of offeror, and the offeree is just required to find the missing documents or if specified hand over it to the offeror for a promise to constitute on behalf of promisor (person making the offer). so according to consideration,definition 2(d) "when at the desire of the promisor, promisee or anyother person has done or abstained from doing or does or abstains from doing or promises to do or to abstain from doing something,such act,abstinence or promise , is consideration for the promise." now if we look at the last words of definition 2(d), it says consideration is for a promise(offer+acceptance).in layman terms both parties must give something and get something i.e both parties should get consideration. if only the person whose wallet is lost makes promise , he will only get cosnideration by way of getting his lost document but the reward which the perosn found the document will niot be considerd as consideration as he had made no promise but made performance and consideration is for promisea s per 2(d).. so here only one person is getting conisderation and not the other. so how can there be a contract.
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