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Start a crypto hedge fund company in India Start a crypto hedge fund company in India

4 years ago

I want to know how to start a cryptocurrency-related company in India and do business legally?
Is crypto hedge funds legal in India?
Can Indians Invest in crypto hedge funds?
Can Indian companies start crypto hedge funds legally?
Please explain to me how to establish a crypto-related company in India? (Bangalore, Karnataka)


A.Dear Client

I understand the Crypto Currency, Litho Currency have huge value in market. But in India it is not because in bangalore a person was arrested for affixing cypto ATM.

It is not advisable to invest or start.

But in future days if countries startered investing it will have global demand in market.

Advise not to use or do in it because people or not legally recognized in india.

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Vidhi Samaadhaan Vidhi Samaadhaan

Kishan Dutt Kalaskar

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A.Dear Sir,
There are so many issues if you start such company in India.

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Vidhi Samaadhaan Vidhi Samaadhaan


A.1. Crypto currency is not legal in India,

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Vidhi Samaadhaan Vidhi Samaadhaan

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