Money stuck in Ponzi scheme
I had invested money through an MOU with a private broker. He was investing my money and giving a return of 16 percent as per the MOU. After 1 year the money stopped coming. On calling he said that mo ...
I had invested money through an MOU with a private broker. He was investing my money and giving a return of 16 percent as per the MOU. After 1 year the money stopped coming. On calling he said that mo ...
Dear Sir,
It is purely a criminal case and lodge complaint with Police you have sufficient documents. Parallel to it you may file a suit for recovery of amount with interest but such recovers may be delayed. In the meanwhile try to take postdated cheque from him in the Police Station which is easy for recovery process.
Other Responses
I have taken loan of 1 lakh 25 thousand from the reference of my friend at a rate of 12% . Initially he said that you cant pay the whole amount in a year.You have to continue our policy for atleast 1 ...
Dear Client,
In India, money lenders are governed by the Money Lenders Act, 1957 in different states. Any individual/organization engaged in a money lending business must hold a license from the appropriate authority such as the RBI or the State Legislature. A money lending license is usually granted by the Revenue Department of the respective state government in compliance with the provision of the Money Lenders Act and the state-specific rules. If any person or a group of persons is involved
Can a person residing in Maharashtra purchase an online lottery tickets of other states like Goa, Kerala, Nagaland etc?
Dear Sir,
No, such facilities are not valid. You must be very much aware of the rules and conditions of the States which are selling such lottery tickets.
Other Responses
I borrowed a sum of 50,000 in december 2020 from werise/loan tap organisation. Every month the EMI was 2518 till december 2024. It was an autodebt option with bank. In middle of 2023 due to certain re ...
Dear Client,
In the given scenario, if you can prove the repayment of the entire loan before the Court, serving a legal notice to the concerned lender, you can file a complaint over a deficiency in service and unfair trade practice against the lender before the District Consumer Commission under Section 35 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 claiming appropriate relief along with compensation for harassment and cost of litigation. The complaint should be filed within two years from the date of
How can I get my money back from Flipkart not delivered my things for many days from now?
Dear Client,
On receipt of the order and payment, if the service provider (Flipkart) fails to deliver the goods as ordered, it is considered a deficiency on the part of the service provider. Since Flipkart operates its business on an E-commerce platform, serving a legal notice, a complaint over deficiency in service and unfair trade practice claiming a refund of money and compensation for harassment required to be filed online mode through e-daakhil portal ( )
I have paid more than disbursed amount to the spam loan application as extention amount for a term of 15 days as i was unable to clear the whole amount I think I have paid more than five times the dis ...
Dear Client,
In the given scenario, serving a legal notice, a complaint against the concerned lender/NBFC can be made to the regulatory authority RBI online on its grievance redressal portal under the integrated Banking Ombudsman Scheme at for a quick resolution to the matter endorsing a copy of the complaint to the concerned NBFC. Apart, you can approach the Dist. Consumer Commission by filing a complaint against the NBFC for deficiency in service and unfair trade practi
Hello , actually i am web developer i want to create a web app that works as platform that can use user broker API to fetch data and simulation trade as user want , it also provides option chain analy ...
Dear Sir,
You have to discuss your proposed Web Developing App/Application with related experts and get legal advise thereafter.
Other Responses
Actually, I was invested in peipei coin through the coindcx app when price went to high and my profit went to+10422% . Coindcx suddenly stopped sell and I couldn't sell my coin on coindcx. Now situati ...
Dear Sir,
You may get issue a legal notice or approach Police to get remedy in respect of fraud committed by such fraudulent company.
Other Responses
My In-laws are staying on their own in Vile Parle, in 2022 both went through critical illness and hence were bed ridden. They had some insurance policies with Canara HSBC bank and hence they wanted to ...
Dear Client,
In the given scenario, your in-laws or any person duly authorized or empowered by them through a power of attorney can lodge an FIR against the said person for criminal breach of trust and cheating at the local police station provided the person's identity particulars are available with them and can bring the matter to the notice of the concerned Bank. On dishonor of given cheques, criminal prosecution under Section 138 of the N I Act can be filed against the drawer of the cheques.
how to know who files a complaint against my bank account
Dear Client,
Once a cybercrime scam or fraudulent transaction is reported online to the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal(NCCRP), on the instruction of the Cyber Crime Cell, the investigating team starts the routine process of investigation immediately instructing the concerned Bank to freeze the victim's Bank account and on receipt of instruction from the Cyber Cell, the Bank makes the debit freeze of the victim account putting a lien on it. You have to wait for the completion of the inves
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