Difference between In Country and Inter Country Adoption

June 30, 2020
Adoption laws in India are of two kinds. You can adopt a child from within the family members where one of the family member gives a child in adoption to the other family members who wants to adopt the child. The other kinds is to get the adoption through the adoption centers recoginsed and taken care by the Government.
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 An individual or a couple who are willing and capable of taking a child in Adoption, who are the residents of India and who have the citizenship of India are called as the prospective adoptive parents of In country. Any such parent/parents/couple who takes a child in adoption through the special child adoption agencies called as CARA and CARINGS is called as In country adoption.

Whereas an Individual or parent or couple who are willing and capable of taking a child in Adoption, who are the residents of India or either the Non residents of Indian Origin and who have the citizenship of India and have also acquired the Foreign citizenship are staying abroad, the process of these citizens adopting an Indian child a is called as Inter country Adoption.

Where an Indian citizen have applied for child adoption with CARINGS when they were in India under the category of In-country adoption. Later on after application, have subsequently been granted a Foreign citizen ship, as such are residing in a foreign country, are the Over seas Indian citizens. There is a separate category for making an application for adoption In-country and Inter Country adoption. Due to the change in the citizenship the CARINGS have not considered the application made under the category of In-country adoption, though they were intimated the confirmation of adoption of a child which is declared legally free for adoption. later on due to the change in the citizenship of prospective adopting parents the adoption was not given. As such the Adoption regulations 2017, which superseded the (Adoption regulations 2015) does not provide any proper mechanism for such circumstances as regards the application made prior to acquiring foreign citizenship. The supreme court has said that as there is no mechanism in the regulation in such a situation, Thus the first registration for adoption cannot alter the legal position of acquiring the foreign citizenship by an Indian.

Written By:
Sharada H v

Sharada H v

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question markCentral adoption resource agency regulation 2022 2 Response(s)
Dear Client, The Adoption Regulation, 2022 has come with considerable changes for the adoption of children in India, As per Adoption Regulations, 2022, All the Adoption Orders issued by the Courts are now replaced by Adoption Orders issued by the District Magistrate, as per the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2021. Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) who wish to adopt a child legally, shall register himself or herself online at https://carings.wcd.gov.in. As per Regulation 3(a), the child's best interests shall be of paramount consideration while processing any adoption placement; (b) preference shall be given to placing the child in adoption with Indian citizens with due regard to the principle of placement of the child in their own socio-cultural environment, as far as possible; (c) all applications for adoptions shall be registered on the Designated Portal and confidentiality of the Authority shall maintain the same. A child eligible for adoption as per Regulation 4 is namely, (a) any orphan or abandoned or surrendered child, declared legally free for adoption by the Child Welfare Committee; (b) a child of a relative defined under clause (52) of section 2; (c) child or children of the spouse from an earlier marriage, surrendered by the biological parents for adoption by the step-parent. Various recognized agencies and authorities have been assigned roles to facilitate the adoption process as per Guidelines Governing The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children), Act 2015 as amended in 2021. Child adoption can be done by either single PAPs or married couples with 2 years of stable marriage. Section 57(4) of the JJ Act, 2015 and Regulation 5(2)(c) mentions that a single male is not eligible to adopt a girl child. The entire adoption process is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (amended in 2021) and Adoption Regulations 2022. The database of Prospective Adoption Parents (PAPs) is maintained and managed through the designated CARINGS portal. There is no manual intervention at any stage in the process of adoption. The adoption process is carried out by the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) in accordance with the Juvenile Justice Act 2015 (as amended 2021) and the Adoption Regulations 2022. The waiting period depends on the seniority of the Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) and of legally free children on the basis of preference of Prospective Adoptive Parents as per age, gender, health status, state, etc. Regulation 49 of Adoption Regulations, 2022 states that the prospective adoptive parents shall bear the expenses for adoption and the Specialised Adoption Agencies shall adhere to the adoption fees and their utilization pattern as provided in the Schedule XV which shall be revised by the Authority from time to time. In continuation of the same, the Steering Committee of the Authority in its 36th meeting held on 02/01/2024 has decided that the adoption fees once submitted by the prospective adoptive parents to the Specialised Adoption Agencies, stand non-refundable. The legal profession requires a great deal of specialized knowledge. This is something that lawyers learn early on and is essential for understanding how your client thinks, feels and operates. You must understand the client’s perspective to argue effectively for their case. The essential basic skills that every lawyer should know to handle an adoption case include communication skills, Time Management Skills, Empathy, Patience: It is one of essential skills for lawyers and advocates to have, Strategic Thinking, These three skills are helpful in shaping your career. It’s important to remember that the path to success is not always straightforward, but it does involve developing a good set of tools and techniques for working effectively with people. It also helps if you have experience working as an advocate; this will give you greater insight into how advocacy law works and how best to serve those who need our services most. Hope, your query stands addressed.
question markConversion from inter country to intra country adoption 4 Response(s)
Dear Sir, First point is you are a NRI. That is your legal status.The Adoption which you are looking for now is and will be governed by Inter Country Adoption which means the National Agencies having permission in India and USA will be involved in the process.Later on whether you move to India or Iceland is immaterial what material is the child will be identified with your parentage and Nationalities. Hope this serves the purpose. Shanti Ranjan Behera Advocate
question markProperty rights from adoptive parents 2 Response(s)
Dear Sir, Adoptive son steps into the shoes of natural son as such he has every right over his adoptive parents and their properties. Please take PAID phone call with me through VIDHIKARYA and get more legal guidance.
question markDobara inter exam 1 Response(s)
Dear Sir, Since you have studied intermediate education for 2 times as such it is legal. But, if both intermediate courses studied during the same period then it is illegal.