Respected Sir,
I am working in a PSU and came in close contact with one unmarried girl in year-2013 (She is a colleague of mine). However nothing sexual happened between us and I have never ever touched her. I got married in year-2014 and she is still single. In June-2016, as she was worried about her marriage and was very depressed, I just proposed (messaged) her for a "live-in relationship". Her family came to know about this accidentally and things between us ruined. Now (in July-2019) she has filed a departmental sexual harassment case against me based on that single message of mine. In her complaint, she attached some of mine other messages also which are not having any kind of sexual content. Two main questions for which I want advice are:
1) Is "Live-in relationship" word is "sexual in nature".
2) Is it illegal in india for a married man to have a "live-in relationship" with an unmarried woman ?
Please help as my job is under threat.
Regards, (Kota, Rajasthan)
A.Yes, being a married Person if you ask another female for live in, then it can tantamount as sexual harassment at Work Place.
The female can file the complaint before the HR Department.
The ICC will decide based upon the merits of the case.
You need to prove your innocence by showing the past conduct and what did you meant to say by that message. But it would not be an easy task to save yourself. You need to stratagize your defence and get some witnesses who knew about past live in relationship and your conduct with the lady.
That might give you some chance to counter the allegations.
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