icon Adoption from known person

How to legally adopt from a known person who because of family economic situation is willing to surrender the child but only if it goes to the adoptive parents directly and not to any agency or instit

1 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
If you adopt from his biological parents then registered adoption deed is fine.
If from guardians then take permission from court under Hindu Guardians and Adoption Act.
You have to approach Civil Court for application of adoption of child.
It depends child is Male or female. Rules of adoption is different while adopting Male or female.
The age of child is also important facts while considering adoption process by the Court.

icon Legal Notice to Wife for wrongful allegation and abuses

Wife and daughter are making wrong allegations on extra marital affairs and filing wrong police complaints for violence. Wife has also not allowing husband enter his own house and and not allowing mee

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,

For instituting a complaint of defamation under section 499 of the IPC, the abusive words are required to be uttered against you in public. If the words have been uttered behind closed doors, it cannot be defamation. You can file suit for divorce

icon transfer of property equally between mother son and daughter

what's the procedure for transferring the property equally between mother son and daughter after the father died without leaving a will

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
You will have to obtain the settlement deed/ gift deed/ relinquishment deed from other legal heirs and produce it in front of the SRO for property transfer. The appropriate succession laws may also apply in this case. You will have to produce the proof of succession and NOC from other legal heirs.

icon Info about selling cigarettes and tobacco products in Kerala

Can we sell (A private limited company) cigarettes or tobacco products online or can we deliver the same if a customer orders after conforming that the user is 18 and above by validating their id. If

1 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
As per the tobacco control laws, there are no restrictions on internet sales or the sale of small packets of cigarettes or other tobacco products. The sale of tobacco products is prohibited to persons under the age of 18


I have taken 70000 education loan from Eduvanz An NBFC I have not payed a single EMI since May, 2023 . Now they have sent me a legal notice what shall I do.

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
Legal notice for recovery of money acts as a warning for the borrowers who are not meeting the terms of repayment. This is a legal notice or warning to the person, if he/she does not respond to the notice or continues the malpractices then a case can be filed against him.
We would advise you to settle the matter amicably with the bank Please visit the bank and ask it to extend the time for repayment

icon Mpokket Loan repayment delayed

My loan is over due from last 304 days, i am committed for the payment but cannot managed due to the financial condition, as from last 10 to 11 month was too horrible due to the medical expenses for D

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,

The following legal remedies available to defaulter in the case of harassment by recovery agents:
Filing a complaint at the police station:
A proper complaint should be filed against the Bank and the recovery office. However, if the police do not file a complaint, the magistrate can be approached.

An injunction suit against the bank and recovery agents:
A civil injunction suit with an ad-interim relief can be filed in the civil court against the bank and recovery organization. It ...ReadMore

icon Property Based question

My uncle was died. He is unmarried. He is born with 2 brothers and 2 sisters. He built one house. But the house was not in his name. The house was in his mother name. But he only built the house. And

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
If the house belongs to your mother's name, your uncle has no right to decide who gets the property irrespective of the fact that he has constructed a house on the plot. Your uncle cannot impose his opinion on your family

icon Telegram Task fraud

What to do if national cyber crime team has put the hold on money in scammers account

1 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,

Since you appear to have already registered an FIR for cyber fraud related offence, now you should report the same to your nearest bank branch and the RBI branch.

Informing the RBI branch forces banks to strictly adhere to timelines and deal with your case swiftly, as per the direction given by RBI for money refund in case of unauthorized fraudulent bank transfers.

Care should be taken to report the matter within 3 days of receiving the communication of fraudulent money transfer, ...ReadMore

icon Cyber crime complient

Hi sir My account freezed in cyber crime complient but victim withdrawa my complete cyber crime accepted message will send victim mail but My is still freezed what can I do sir

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
If the bank account operations was frozen on written orders of the Police Dept.,  and further IF there are no criminal case pending against your name in any court, THEN the account can be un-frozen only by another order of the Police Dept.,  OR by the specific orders of the relevant court.

icon Regarding Housing Society director post.

If a resident has their own house in the society but is living somewhere else on rent, is there any rule for providing any kind of position in the housing society? And can they manage the society from

2 Response(s)

8 months ago

A. Dear client,
Generally housing societies have their own bylaws. It all depends on rule framework of your society. Generally its mandatory for a person to be a resident of the housing society to be a member in the society. Please go through the rule book
